Monday, November 7, 2022




Shoot and fruit borer: Leucinodes orbonalis : Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera.


  •  Eggs - Creamy white eggs. 
  • Larva - pink in colour. 
  • Pupa- greyish boat shaped cocoon. 
  • Adult-   a medium sized moth. Forewings- having black and brown patches and dots on white colour. Hind wings – opalescent with black dots.


v  Withering of terminal shoots/ dead hearts. Bore holes on shoots and fruits plugged with excreta. Shedding of flower buds. Withering and drying of leaves.



Adult Moth


Withering of Shoot (Dead heart)


Bore hole on Fruit And Decaying of fruit




Stem borer: Euzophera perticella: Phycitidae: Lepidoptera.

           v Egg- Cream, scale-like. Larva – Yellowish or light brown with red head.

           v  Adult – Moth with greyish brown forewings having transverse lines and white hindwings.

  v  Top shoots of young plants droop and wither, bore holes plugged with excreta, older plants become stunted. Fruit bearing is affected.

Bud worm: Scrobipalpa blapsigona: Gelechidae: Lepidoptera.

v  Larvae - pale whitish with pink tinge. 

Adult - small with heavily fringed wings.

v  Shrivelling and shedding of flower buds.

Hairy caterpillars: Selepa celtis: Noctuidae: Lepidoptera.

  •    Larva: yellowish in colour having a lateral reddish line with a series of black         


: medium sized with pale brown head and thorax and dark brown abdomen.


Grasshoppers: Atractomorpha crenulata, Oxya japonica, Poekilocerus pictus:Acrididae: Orthoptera.

Poekilocerus pictus

Nymph: Greenish-yellow with fine black markings and small crimson spots.
Adult: Canary yellow and turquoise stripes on its body, green tegmina with yellow spots, and pale red hind wings.
Oxya japonica
Adult: Dark brownish green; a black band start from each eye along superior margin of lateral lobe continuing upto episternum

Ovipositing Grass hopper

  • Atractomorpha crenulata

  • It is commonly known as the tobacco grasshopper.
  • Medium size body, greenish in color, with well-developed tegmina and rosy wings.

Ash Weevils: Myllocerus maculosus,   

                        M. discolor, 


                        M. viridanus : Curculionidae: Coleoptera

Leaf miner:Scrobipalpa heliopa: Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera.

v  Larva: Cylindrical, greyish white or green in color. Adult-small, brown moth.

Spotted beetle: Epilachna vigintioctopunctata: Coccinellidae:Coleoptera

v  Eggs- Cigar shaped, yellow in colour. Grub:  Yellowish bearing six rows of longitudinal spines. Pupa: Yellowish with spines on posterior part and anterior portion being devoid of spines. Adult- 14 deep red spots on each elytran.

v  Scrapping of chlorophyll, Skeletonization and drying of leaves.




Black ant:Camponotus infuscus:Formicidae: Hymenoptera

Brown ant: Solenopsis geminate: Formicidae: Hymenoptera

v Nibbling and tunnelling in the outer tissues of main stem and shoots.

Lace wing bug: Urentius hystericellus:Tingidae: Hemiptera

v Nymph – yellowish white with prominent spines. Adult: Dorsal side - straw coloured, ventral side – black coloured, Pronotum and forewings reticulated.

v  Yellowing of leaves, Affected leaves covered with  exuviae and excreta.

Mealy bug:Coccidohystrix insolita:Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera.

v  Small, oval, soft-bodied bugs covered with white mealy wax.

v  Presence of cluster of white mealy bugs on the lower side of older plants: yellowing and drying of leaves.

Brown leaf hopper: Cestius phycitis:Cicadellidae: Hemiptera.

v Small, light brown leaf hopper.

v Vector of little leaf disease.


 Shoot & Fruit borer : Earias vitella, Earias insulana: Noctuidae: Lepidoptera.

Egg: Spherical, bluish-green, shining eggs laid on flower buds, bracts and tender leaves.

Larva- E. vitella brown with dorsum showing a white median longitudinal streak; the last two thoracic segments and all the abdominal segments have two pairs of fleshy tubercles (finger shaped processes), one dorsal and the other lateral. Pupa: yellowish brown and boat shaped. Adult: Small, buff coloured, forewings buff coloured with a green wedge. E.insulana forewings uniformly silvery green. Larva: without finger shaped processes.

Drying and dropping of terminal shoots during pre-flowering stage, shedding of buds & flowers; bore holes on fruits. Deformed fruits