Wednesday, May 1, 2019


pests on forest trees
1. Teak
          Defoliator:Hyblaea purea : Hyblaeidae :  Lepidoptera.
v  Adult: Greyish to reddish, Forewings grayish purple or reddish brown with streaks, hind wings dark brown with orange scarlet edges transversely across the middle.
v  Larva: Dark,  greyish green with faint longitudinal lines. Defoliation.

          Skeletonizer:Hapalia machaeralis:Pyraustidae :  Lepidoptera.
v  Adult: Bright yellow forewings with pink zigzag transverse markings
v  Larva: Green with brown or yellow longitudinal bands laterally
v  Skeletonization of the leaf uniformly.

Skeletonization of Leaf

pests on mushroom
Sciarid fly: Bradysia pauper: Sciaridae: Diptera.
v  Larva: Dirty white, transparent. Adult: Greyish black fly.
v  At spawn running the maggot feed on thickened mycelia attachments and restrict the spawn-run of button mushroom. Causes injury to the developing primordia or “pin heads”. Pin head become brown and leathery, stopping further development.
v  It make pin head purple hollow and spongy. Active throughout the year. Peak activity during June to October.
Phorid fly: Megaselia agarica: Phoridae: Diptera.
v  Adult: Hump backed light to dark brown fly.
v  Maggot feeds gregariously and move upwards forming tunnels. Mushroom turns down along the tunnel in the stalk and colour becomes yellowish brown. Mushroom development arrested when attacked during pin head stage.
v  Peak activity during September and October.

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