Monday, January 7, 2019

 Caseworm        : Parapoynx stagnalis : Pyraustidae  : Lepidoptera
üAdult moth is delicate white moth with pale brown wavy markings.  Eggs are laid on leaves.  Egg period is 2-6 days.
üLarva is pale translucent green with orange head.  Larva constructs a case.  Larval period is 14-20 days.  Larva has filamentous gills on the sides of the body that helps to lead a semi aquatic life.
ü It pupates in case it self for 4-7 days.  The total life cycle occupies 19-37 days.
The larva initially scrapes the chlorophyll later cut the leaf into small bits and construct tubular cases, live inside the cases. 

Whorl maggot: Hydrellia sesakii: Ephydridae : Diptera

ü ü    The pest become severe in water stagnated fields, when the plants are young.
ü    Egg: Long, cylindrical, white pasted on the leaves.
ü    Young maggots are pale white in color later become yellow.
ü    The maggot bore into shoots of young plants and feed on the inner tissues.
ü    It pupates inside the shoot; adults are very small dull grey fly.
ü  Pin holes anad white patches on the leaves
Yellow hairy caterpillar :Psalis pennatula: Lymantriidae: Lepidoptera
ü  ü  Female lays spherical eggs in clusters on the under the surface of leaves.
ü   The caterpillars are yellowish-brown in color, with orange colored head and have lateral red stripes on the body. They have hairs all over the body surface, with two prominent, longer tufts of hairs on the anterior part and one tuft on the posterior part of the body.
ü  It pupates in pale white silken cocoon.
ü  The moths are stout, with straw-colored forewing and dirty white hind wing.
ü  Defoliation.

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