Pests on fruits
1.Mango hoppers:Idioscopusniveosparsus, I.
Amritodus atkinsoni :Cicadellidae :Homoptera.
- ¨ Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender shoots and inflorescence resulting in withering and shedding of flower buds and also wilting and drying of shoots and leaves.
- ¨ The flower stalks and leaves in infested trees become sticky due to the deposition of honey-dew secreted by the hoppers that encourages the growth of black shooty mould on foliage and other parts.
- ¨ During the off-seasons, the hoppers congregate on the leaves feeding on them. As a consequence, leaves become malformed and undersized.
- ¨ The hoppers take shelter in cracks and crevices on the barks during non-flowering season.
2. Flower gall midge: Procystiphora mangiferae, Erosomyia indica, Dasineura
amaramanjarae : Cecidomyiidae: Homoptera.
- Larva: Magggot is light yellowish & moults three times.
- Procystiphora
mangiferae: Light orange fly
- Erosomyia indica: Yellowish fly.
- Dasineura amaramanjarae: Orange red.
- Maggots attack the inflorescence stalk, flowers and small developing fruits. Maggot bore into the bud and feeds on inner content. Buds fail to open and drop down.
3. Flower webber:Eublemma versicolor: Noctuidae: Lepidoptera.
4. Mango
fruit fly or Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera
dorsalis: Tephritidae: Diptera.
- Larva - Yellowish apodous maggots.
- Adult - Light brown with transparent wing.
- Maggot bore into semi-ripen fruits with decayed spots and dropping of fruits. Oozing of fluid. Brownish rotten patches on fruits.
5. Nut
or stone weevil :Sternochetus mangiferae :Curculionidae: Coleoptera.
- This is a monophagous pest.
- Grub is creamy, yellow apodous – five larval instars.
- Adult: Adults: Stout built, 6 mm long - dark brown in colour.
- The grub tunnels in a zig-zag manner through the pulp endocarp and the seed coat and they finally reach the cotyledons.
Adult weevil |
Tunneling of Cotyledons |
6.Mango stem borer Batocera rufomaculata: Cerambycidae:
- Host range:Mango, rubber, jack-fruit, fig, papaya, apple, eucalyptus and mulberry.
- Eggs: Eggs are laid singly on the bark or cracks and crevices on the tree trunk or branches.EP: 1-2 weeks.
- Grub: Yellow in colour - Larval period: 6 months
- Pupa:Pupates inside the tree. PP: 19-36 days.
- Adults:Greyish beetle with two pink dots and lateral spine on the thorax. Live More than 6 months.
- Gummy exudation and masses of frass exuding from bore holes on trunks are seen. Shedding of leaves and drying of branches are other associated symptoms.
Adult beetle |
Bore hole on Stem |
Topple down of the Tree |
7. Mango Shoot webber: Orthaga
exvinacea : Noctuidae: Lepidoptera.
- Larva: Pale greenish caterpillar with brown head and prothoracic shield.
- Adult: Medium sized moth. greyish with brownish wings and wavy lines.
- Larvae web up tender leaves into clusters and scrapes leaf surface from within at the time of new flush emergence. Leaves wither and dry up.
Webbing of Leaves |
8. Red tree ant Oecophylla smaragdina:Formicidae: Hymenoptera.
- Ant construct nest by stitching leaves. Cause annoyance during harvest.
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